Regular Member
Production and Sale of Readv Mixed Concrete
Any person, firm or corporation engages in the production and sale of ready mixed concrete, the supplying of cement, aggregates or admixtures used in the production of concrete and those producing concrete products in the State of Wyoming shall be eligible for Regular membership- (CAW Bylaws, ARTICLE 11, section 1.)
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Regular Member (B)
Suppliers of Cement, Aggregates & Admixtures Producers of Concrete Products
Any person, Firm or corporation engaged in the production and sale of ready mixed concrete, the supplying of cement, aggregates or admixtures used in the production of concrete and those producing concrete products in the State of Wyoming shall be eligible for Regular membership- (CAW Bylaws, ARTICILE n, Section 1.)
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Associate Member
Any person, firm or corporation furnishing equipment or services, (including trucking and/or hauling service to a plant or project site, but not the haul on a project site) or furnishing supplies and materials which are not incorporated into the products of ready mixed concrete, cement, admixtures or concrete products and do not become a permanent part of any project, shall be eligible for membership as an Associate member. (CAW Bylaws, ARTICLE 11, Section 4).
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Affiliate Member
Any person, firm or corporation, which mayor may not act as prime contractor, but regularly undertakes work on projects in part or in whole, placing or using concrete on job sites, shall be eligible 1br membership as an Affiliate member. (CAW Bylaws, ARTICLE n, Section 2.)
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Professional/Technical Member
Any person, firm or corporation providing professional and/or technical services (engineering/architectural). (CAW Bylaws, ARTICLE 11, Section 3.)
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